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American National


Living Benefits...When you need them most

Robert Sanchez- $733,062

Robert Sanchez had worked his way through undergraduate school working during the day and going to school at night. When he married Peggy in 1972, he was able to quitworking and go to school full time until he received his PhD in Management and began to teach at the University. He also began doing Management Consulting on the side and over a number of years built his consulting business up to the point he needed to give up teaching and consult full time.



Fast forward to early 2014 and now Robert was 62 years old and needed to increase his life insurance coverage for his

family while at the same time begin putting more money awayfor retirement. Robert purchased an Indexed Universal Life Insurance policy from American National Insurance Company. The policy was for $882,680. Robert paid a monthly premium of $1,251.15.


Robert had suffered from heartburn and acid reflux for many years and would keep a roll of tums with him at all times to try to sooth his stomach. In January of 2015 Robert began having trouble swallowing, which then led to difficult pain while

swallowing and finally Robert began coughing up blood which sent him to his Doctor. After multiple tests and a biopsy it was

determined Robert had Invasive Esophageal cancer. Robert could no longer work, as he gave lectures as part of his work,

and he and his wife began to go through their liquid assets and then began tapping into their retirement funds.


Robert first began chemotherapy and later added radiation therapy. Their agent was also a close friend and he immediately

suggested they make a claim on their American National IUL policy under the Accelerated Benefit provision of the policy.

He helped Robert accumulate the needed documentation and they filed a claim under the Critical Illness Rider. The claim

was reviewed by an American National Physician and it was determined Robert had a 17.5% chance of living for five years.

As a result American National made Robert and his family an offer based upon the request for a full acceleration.


The face amount of the policy was then $940,823 and the policy was discounted $207, 510 resulting in an offer to Robert

for a full benefit of $733,062 or 78% of the death benefit. Robert and Peggy accepted the offer and immediately became

current in their bills with a great deal of money left over to meet future medical bills and lifestyle needs. As this was written,

Robert is still alive and receiving treatment for his illness knowing he does not have to worry about where the money will come

from for his future medical treatment. Robert purchased his policy to take care of his wife Peggy and their children but wound up using this policy to deal with a life threatening illness that had become his full time job


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